Friday, October 9, 2020

Cotton Quilters' Guild meeting

The Cotton Quilters met on our regular first Monday of the month. Since it's October, president Margaret Ducote asked that everyone bring in their fall/Halloween themed quilts. Apparently I'm one in the minority since I have only one of those made years ago. Here are a few of them:

As you can see, everyone has been wonderfully busy. Some of these pieces were made much earlier than the past month, but enjoyed seeing them all the same. As Mrs. Mary said, "You can't see a quilt too many times."

There were some new pieces. Here are a few examples. One thing I have to say is that quilters get pretty excited for show and share. The pink and brown quilt above was hand-pieced and hand quilted by Ingrid. You can't imagine how small those little square-in-a-square blocks are!

There were some new pieces. Here are a few examples. One thing I have to say is that quilters get pretty excited for show and share. Keeping anyone still for a moment to grab a picture is always a funny struggle.

Finally, I pray that those of you who are in the path of Hurricane Delta are out of harm's way. I understand that many, many Louisianans were just beginning to recover from Hurricane Laura, but we are a strong, resilient people. Together we will heroically, steadfastly, and resolutely rebuild our lives. Stay safe and wait for the all-clear before returning to assess the damage.


jenclair said...

Mary, hope you and yours are safe after the latest disaster. Hurricane Delta has dealt another drastic blow to South Louisiana.

Mary Marcotte said...

Hi Jenclair, we made it through unscathed. Lots of cleanup but, most important, everyone is safe.
I'm proud of our people. Louisianans are taking it in stride and helping each other. Those of us who can't help are praying for the rest and for those who are working in such difficult circumstances to restore our lives and property. Immense gratitude to everyone doing their part and to their families.