Thursday, May 31, 2018

Pin It Weekly #244

Today I discovered this quilt block that I really like. It doesn't look so difficult, and now that I've realized how much I like row quilts, I have been adding blocks to my "quilt, blocks" board.
Finished Block 48 of #100quiltblocksin100days It feels good to be getting in such much needed sewing time! .. I am participating in the…

Of course, I've run across a few more quilts to pin. I'm trying to get to that 8,000 mark, but it's slow going. Milly does not like to be ignored! So, I have to stay off of the computer. I tend to tune out everything around me, including Miss Priss.

Tula Pink's Pancakes pattern in blues and seafoam. Girls in the Garden

Image result for modern traditional scrap quilts

Image of London Fields Quilt pattern

"Britcher Leg" quilt by Mississippi quilter Beatrice Davis Franks, 1884-1978. Seen at Hart Cottage Quilts: "Living out the motto 'Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without,' she used whatever fabrics were on hand --- polyester doubleknits for the 1970s Britcher Leg quilts."

Margaret Fabrizio - The Kawandi Quilts

The Kawandi Quilts

Beautiful work

ART_6495 | by sonjaartisania

Schweiz by Victor Vasarely

EM Commission Dec. 2014 by Libs Elliott

"heart, quilts" is only one click away!
Happy weekly,

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Memorial Day

Re: Republicans CUT Veterans Benefits.. to continue SUBSIDIES+TAX BREAKS to the WEALTHY and RICH CORPORATE MOOCHERS!!!
Today's post is entirely about the American holiday we call Memorial Day. This is a special day on which we honor those in the armed forces who lost their lives while serving our country. 

Honor and gratitude to the veteran's who died while in the military for our freedoms. Their love of country went well beyond what any person should have to give. 

While the day is truly about the soldiers, I cannot but help to remember and pray for their families who suffer and grieve that loss every day. 

Remembering on this Memorial Day....those who paid the price for my freedoms! Thank you!


Home Of The Free Because Of The Brave Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Every day

RESPECT the Military & Flag... These people Died for our Freedoms!!!

Also in celebration of Memorial Day, according to the comment sections that accompany the photos, these quilts were presented through "Quilts of Valor."

Alycia Quilts: Quilts of Valor 2016 March

Quilts of Valor presentation...

In Honor Of by Diane Tomlinson is an easy-to-make pattern to honor and comfort a friend,relative or stranger to let them know their service is appreciated.

Medal of Honor - A Quilt of Valor | Craftsy

Here are a couple pictures from my QOV presentation today.   In Romans 13:7, it says to give honor where honor is due. It is such a privilege to be part of the Quilts of Valor Foundation and to honorQuilts of valor

Finish It Up Friday ~ Quilts of Valor | KatyQuilts

Quilt of Valor | KatyQuilts | Page 2

We invite you to join the cause and make an American patchwork quilt for maybe a special warrior/veteran that you may know or one that you don't know but would like to thank.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day by remembering all who gave their lives for American freedom.

Quilts of Valor presentationsQuilt of Honor

I just finished up a top for Quilts of Valor.  It's always fun to see a computer design come to life!  Free pattern on my blog at

Quilts of Valor in Iowa

The pictures above which depict soldiers receiving are all in a new board called "USA, country." I pinned only a few pins there and would love some help. If you want to contribute to this board, just let me know. I'll gladly make that happen!

All other quilts are in my "heart, quilts" board. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

What Is It? A Finish!

Anyone know the name of this applique pattern?
Some time ago, while going through yet more boxes of stuff from my mom's sewing room, I ran across a couple of odd blocks that obviously were her UFOs. This was one of them. I first tossed them into the trash, because really, doesn't it scream ugly 80s? Anyone sill have a blue fabric goose sitting around?

No matter your taste, this will not fit the decor. Sorry. 

But I do have a heart and my heart said, "Momma made this." And the next thing I knew the blocks were in my UFO bin. They languished there for a couple of years. Then I needed some handwork to take along with me while we traveled the Northwest. I decided to pack it, a little afraid it would taint yet another bin. We were almost home before I pulled it out.

Mom's zigzag edges are pretty raw, so
I let my own stitches do whatever they wanted.

Using embroidery thread from last century (much of it also from my mom) I hand-
quilted it in big stitches. I decided early on that nothing could make the block worse, so there was a chance of making it better. 

The pinks of the 1980s...
there's no mistaking them!
I finished the stitching and put it aside to trim out and bind when I got home. It got forgotten. The poor, ugly little thing reappeared last week. And while I don't participate in the One Monthly Goal at Elm Street Quilts, I did push myself to get this finished. It's time, after all. So I'm going to put it in the next OMG linky party. (Assuming that I catch it in time.) Edited: I did it!

Afraid that the rotary cutter, might take out a few stitches, I trimmed it with scissors, found some red gingham, which matches in color but not in size, for binding. 

So it has a warped corner and there are several stains, but I'll hand wash it and maybe it will go on a wall somewhere. Somehow it's grown on me. See, I said there was a chance of making it better. Finished is always better!

Link Ups!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fold, wrap, roll and fold

The last week I've been working in the studio doing a little cleaning and a lot of folding. I started with shelves that looked like this...

 and this...

and this!

However, I've been looking at ways that other quilters organize their fabrics and decided that it's time to take some action. So now they are beginning to look more like this...

And check this out!

Honestly, it's not quite as beautiful as it appears. Well, it looks great, but everything is much too crowded. In fact, an attempt to handle anything means contortions of mind and body to keep stacks of fabric in place rather than on the floor. One wrong move and I'm back to folding the same pieces, again or maybe again two or three times.

I'm working on that, too. Richard added another shelf and I'm moving some fabrics. All of my modern and specialty fabrics will go above the desk where I can see them, and that will open up a bit of space. I'm also considering moving the solids. Then there's this idea...

See how I have two sets of rolled fabric in the pink section? That, I hope, is the ticket. One row of large rolls in the back of the shelf with another row of shorter, smaller rolls in front. Not everything will be rolled. Smaller pieces are folded like fat quarters and stacked. The very small pieces will go into the scrap bins that may (or not) also go on the shelves. So much depends on the amount of space I'll have after everything is rolled and folded and stacked. I don't know that this is the best system, but for now it looks pretty!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Pin It Weekly #243

Meet a few followers! Kathy Pearman Slater has a board on bungalows that has the cutest houses. Check these out:

Love this cottage home with the metal roof. I could so see myself sitting on that porch.

Pretty Old Houses: A Bungalow Dream House

Cute bungalow style

Bungalow House Plan chp-55061 at

Deb Coursey's board on journals has over 500 ideas.

Make time in your Bullet Journal for self-discovery and unlock your potential. (scheduled via

Bullet Journal Page Ideas - Routines

130316 ◦ my university bullet journal set up! a lovely anon asked if i could post up my set up so, here we go! “to preface, this is a really simple layout which i had pre-set up during the holidays! i have things laid out so that i have enough space...

Elizabeth Redmon's "Food" board is amazing!

the best baked chocolate donut recipe on

Rainbow veggie pinwheels are made with homemade ranch spread and a variety of fresh veggies for a colorful and healthy lunch, snack or appetizer. #ChooseSmart Ad

Perfect French Toast Casserole

Andrea P. has several boards but "Allsorts" is one of my favorites.

How to make tulle or net pom-pom. This would be good for making hair accessories.

Ideas for Scrapbookers: Another Prima flower Doop

Soak lace doiles in glue, arrange on a blown up balloon, brush on 1 more coat of glue & let dry for at least 24 hrs. Pop balloon, carefully peel away & voila! You have a lace bowl!Taking inspiration from the elongated shapes and clean lines of this season's serene aesthetic, our glass dome duo is perfect for creating a peaceful and calming setting in your home.

Literatura infantil...adivinanzas

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy some of these boards and find pins you want to add to your own boards.