This is a quick post to update you on my entries for QuiltCon, which will be held in Nashville in February. I have every intention of going if possible. It's just nine hours of driving from here. (Said like nine hours of driving is typical.) But there's a ploy in play: Richard wants to go to the Ark Encounter, which is only three hours from Nashville. I'm thinking, let's do both!
Dropcloth |
We'll see how that pans out. In the meantime, I'm hedging my bets by entering a few quilts into the show. Hopefully they'll get juried in. That will definitely help my cause. :)
Faith |
I asked my sister, Laura, who is a much better photographer, to photograph them when our family got together before Thanksgiving. She emailed them to me the same day! Talk about good customer service, and I'd paid her with my love.
Tranquility |
I did have a bit of trouble with the online application. Apparently there's no one-time entry, one invoice, one payment system. It's possible to enter all of the quilts at one time (which I did) but paying for more than one quilt requires going back to the beginning and making three (in my case) separate payments.
I wondered which quilt would be entered if I'd simply misread the instructions and paid only once. That's a real possibility for anyone but especially for those who have limited or no English. I sent an email just to make sure that I hadn't missed a step. I'm definitely keeping all of the paperwork showing that I registered the quilts and that I paid.
Otherwise, all is well on the quilt front. I'm excited for the guild Christmas parties on Monday. Is your guild doing anything special for the holidays? I'd gladly take a few suggestions for our party, so tell us what your guild does to make the holiday gathering extra fun.