Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A Vase of Flowers ~~ another Richard finish

It seems that I'm reporting on Richard's great work rather than my own work. This finish is too pretty to not report. 

So Richard decided to make a vase to put flowers on his dad's grave. He used some of the cypress wood that he recently acquired. It's beautiful, even without the flowers.

Each side is just a little different because of the wood grain, but every one also has a perfect little cross. 

According to the guys the cypress wood won't deteriorate for many years, even though it's exposed to the elements while sitting on a grave.  

I haven't yet, but I'm thinking of asking him to build another for my grandmother's grave. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful vase! It's good that Richard was able to do something for his dad's gravesite. I'm sure Father's Day was extra difficult for him.

Aritha V. said...

That is very nice!