Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: Daisies

Happy SQI today! It's the end of March (a grandson's birthday) and we're all still in quarantine. This week I hope to add a few daisies (Shasta, maybe) to the garden of flowers that are thriving in the yard. And so, I thought that perhaps daisies would be a good theme for quilts. Guess what?! It is!

And because SQI must always have quilts, here are just a few that I discovered...

Tamarack Shack: Doo Da Daisy Quilt

Daisy String Quilt – Quilt Art Designs

I suppose you could say we're doing great. When I think of the alternatives: a sick baby, a family member suffering from the Coronavirus-19, severe, pervading depression and so many other horrors that the world holds. I am grateful for our beautiful, healthy, God-fearing lives. I hope you and yours are all doing well and manage whatever quarantine rules have been recommended for your area. 

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