
Everything old is new again." Have you heard that cliche'? It seems to be especially true these days with the idea of "farmhouse" decor. Now, I won't get into what real farmhouses used to have (and as I was raised in one and knew many families who lived in a true farm house) but it seems that old stuff is popular stuff. If, that is, the "old stuff" is newly made. Haha. A little confusing, no? To me, the best thing about it all is that the cliche' is sort of true: old things have value again. One of the oldest quilt blocks is the simple hexagon. And look at it now!

I love how some quilters have taken such an old idea and made it fresh, clean-looking and modern.
I like proper old better than fake old in most things - don't mind furniture that's banged and bumped and functional not fancy. This is a clever way to link into quilts - and makes me think about hexagons, which I haven't done for the longest time.
I am definitely with you on taste, Kaja. Love your phrase of "proper old" -- it's a great way to distinguish from fake old. I can live among reproductions but would much prefer the real thing. Especially if I'm able to save a piece from becoming lost or destroyed.
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