Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pin It Weekly #142

I usually start this weekly post asking what are you pinning lately. I'm genuinely curious about that. I've found some interesting Pinterest boards from a few answers. A few answers were, well, different. 
Ever had the itch to slap someone with the same fiish you were wearing? you can. God bless the USA:

Still it's an opportunity to learn about what's out there in the world. Even if I would prefer to avoid the different stuff.
Funny Animal Pictures Of The Day – 28 Pics The engagement one!!! Lol:
So I'll ask again: What have you been pinning lately?
Sewing Quilt that a...hand crank?!
I discovered an old photograph of a quilting bee. Just a random discovery that got me to thinking. What if I built a board around vintage photographs and quilts? I've included any vintage photograph so long as there was at least one quilt in it. 
How to Make an American Quilt. I love this movie in so many ways. The quilt made for this movie is called, "Where Love Resides" and it is beyond beautiful.:
Goodness, in no time at all I had 100 pins!
Carl Martin, my grandfather, posing in front of a Log Cabin Barn Raising quilt around 1900. Apparently, Log Cabin quilts run in my blood. --Judy Martin:

Quilt backdrop:

Cute kids sitting or standing in front of a stunning quilt...

quilt background:

Little old ladies sitting around a quilt, stitching away on it.
these gals have been doing this a long time. probably got them through lots of stuff.:

On blogging, "I like to think of hyperlinks like the stitches connecting quilt squares together." Kristen Lamb:

Hand Quilting in County Durham, England circa 1950.

North Louisiana Quilts:

And quilts on the line. 

quilt in background

Typical farmhouse, spring housecleaning, homemade quilts and bedding in sun. Coffee County, Alabama:

If you love both old photographs and quilts, let me know and I'll gladly add you to the list of collaborators. In the meantime, you're invited to visit my "old photographs, quilts" board. I hope you enjoy it.

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