At our last BRMQG meeting, one of the ladies talked about making fabric postcards. I decided to play a little with that idea. Then, as I so oft do, I wanted to play more. This time I played on Pinterest.
I started out looking for a few ideas and ended with over 250 pins. Organized, into seven sections: food, houses, birds, sea, animals, houses and people. I got a little enthusiastic and had a little time on my hands.
But since I've done the work. :) I thought I'd share.
Apparently I especially like flowers and birds. I like the way the artist built this gray and blue flower postcard. I hadn't thought of making the fabric section smaller and sewing it on with a single seam around the perimeter.
I don't know what I was thinking when I started pinning bird ideas. I must have been on a whimsy kick, because well...look.
Not every idea is a postcard, either. If I liked it, it's here.