Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pin It Wednesday

LSU TIGERS New background???I spent the day at LSU with a group of students who were learning biology and physics.  They are in a CART classroom and today was CART day.  Now, don't ask too many questions about CART, I really don't know much about it except that it is a new teacher program.  College students earn their degrees and the CART program puts them into classrooms so that they can get some added training specific to teaching.  

So anyway, here are a few LSU themed pins for the fans who love some purple and gold!

I wasn't actually born in the Boot, but I got here as fast as I could!!

LSU Tigers


Death Valley


LSU Blue Dog

LSU Tigers Print- Original Design. $12.00, via Etsy.

LSU Tigers  #kendrascott #teamKS
#kendrascott #teamKS

LSU Tigers

And there are so many more pins than these little piddling ones.  But it's late and I'm done.  I'll close with the LSU memory quilt that I made for a customer who had a friend graduating. It's made from the tee shirts she wore while at LSU for four years.

The quilt story is here.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Quilt Inspiration: cute kids

Oh the cutie pies in this post!  My original attempt was to pair up the kid with a quilt based on their expression, clothes, or props, but alas, it's ending up all rather random.  Apologies.

cute black and white outfit, cute hair pretty, cute necklace, really cute kid!

Modern Unisex Baby Quilt Baby Blue

Cute Kid Outfits : theBERRY  This looks so old-fashioned pretty! Look at her hair!

This quilt just makes me giggle.  Must be the fish blowing bubbles!  It looks like it would be fairly easy to do.

Modern Baby QUILT navy turquoise lime: nothing like a fun quilt to get nice and cozy

So precious! We love the red boots with the turquoise. Very classy! #Cute #LittleCowgirl #CowgirlBootsHeirloom Baby Quilt : I'm liking the quilting done in stripes

 Cowboy Quilt baby boy quilt vintage baby quilt by BlackTulipQuilts, $130.00
bathing suit cuteness, omg so cute!! If I ever have a little girl she will not wear a 2 piece until she is like a teenager, I think it's so gross when people put their kids in bikinis when they are babies and toddlers and so young!!!!Quilt Pattern // My Song · For The Love Of Joy: fun quilt to make

Ivy by Gansforever Osman, via 500px
Modern baby quilt: fun design to make a quilt

OMG soooo cute

Pixel Pusher quilt design

Laughing.. so precious :)
big chunky chevron stripe quilt design (baby quilt tutorial)

cute kids  Mmmm. Some of my students do this too.

Lone Star quilt design


Dog Days Of Summer // Babiekins Magazine

Bookshelf Quilt Reversible doublesided


Cute baby quilt - inspiration.  Would be cute in one of those fold into a pillow quilts.

Wild Things

Sea of Dreams Panel - 23" x 43"

Girl kissing boxer dog on nose
Daisy's quilt #puppyquilt #scotties #handapplique #borders

Don't you just want to go make a darling baby quilt?  I'll join you as soon as I'm done lovin' on my grandbabies!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Goats, Grandchildren and Grades

How fun is this picture?  Richard was moving animals around because, well, sometimes he just has to do that sort of thing.  So after moving the momma goat to a new pasture, he caught the baby and brought her in so I could see her.  

She is pretty cute.  She's dark brown with a couple of white spots and some black spots that even everything out.  The little granddaughters have named her Disney--guess where they have all been recently.


She is also very curious and inventive.  She decided to check out Casey (Dusti's horse) and jumped into an empty trough to get closer.  They must have decided to get along, because after smelling on each other for a while, Casey just stood there and let Disney hop and jump and make a general fool of herself trying to reach up high enough to get a better look.

Already our days are hitting 90 degrees, so it's getting difficult to do anything outside.  I've had too much sewing and grading to do anyway.  Since school starts back on Monday, I'm spending more time grading than sewing.  We have only a few weeks of school left including EOC testing.  We're ready, but you can wish us luck anyway.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pin It Wednesday # 62

Brilliant colors combined with black and white make a striking wall hanging.Geez, it seems that the Pin It Wednesday numbers are advancing quickly!  We're well into a second year of this fun.  Hard to believe.

just discovered Vanessa and her blog.  wonderful quilts and wonderful patterns!Tulip Garden Applique Quilt Pattern by Fresh Cut Quilts at Creative Quilt Kits

I've been pinning a few other things besides quilts.   I know, right?  I have to remind myself that there are other things in life besides quilts.  Crosses, for example.

Sadigh Gallery's Ancient Byzantine Bronze Cross with Christ | Flickr

Cross Jesus Christ Religious Crucifix Wall Decor Christian Bible Faith Art | eBay

An antique gold,
Cross pendant


CAMEO OF ARIADNE OR DIONYSUS.The frame is enameled but does have 4 places of enamel loss.The size is 21/4 by 2 5/8 very large.It does have a tiny loop top center for safety chain.From around 1860.

Rare silhouette framed 14k yellow gold shell carved cameo estate pendant M-F


Victorian 14k White Gold Shell Cameo Pin | New York Estate Jewelry | Israel Rose
GOLD, ONYX CAMEO, ENAMEL, PEARL AND DIAMOND, PENDANT/BROOCH, LATE 19TH CENTURY.  Inset to the centre with an oval onyx cameo carved to depict the dextral profile of a maiden in Renaissance dress, within an open work scroll frame of blue and white enamel, embellished with circular-cut diamonds, suspending three pearl drops, to a glazed locket reverse.

And crowns.
VICTORIAN DIAMOND TIARA/NECKLACE  Composed of three graduated stylised palmette design panels, each entirely set with old-cut diamonds, interspersed by similarly-set fleur-de-lys motifs, raised on a diamond line border, mounted in silver and gold, circa 1860, 5.8cm high, together with fittings for brooches, hair pins, hat pins, earrings and a necklace, fitted case.  See also off-the-frame board.  Image Christies

Luxembourg Empire Tiara, undated/uncredited image.

Queen Marie Amelie's Sapphire, Diamond & Pearl Tiara, France

Crown of Imperatrice Eugenie by lolotte10 on deviantART

And lastly, something funny to read.  Enjoy.
Happy Pinning,