Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Crazy Quilt Inspiration

How would you like to join me while I'm on a crazy quilt kick?  I've been looking over Pinterest and other sites for ideas for the crazy quilt bolster that I'm making.

I should clarify that I'm having fun with it now, but I don't expect my fun to last for as long as it would take to get the results in some of these photos.  More likely, I'll scatter a few ideas on the bolster and call it quits.  I'm way too ADD to expect much more. That means we need to take advantage of the momentum I have going.
Crazy Quilt Passion
This photo is from a blog I've found that makes for some interesting reading, Crazy Quilt Passion.  I love the pastels and the beading and all the extra embroidery.  Annette is a true artist and made this to decorate a bag.

Q8797 Silk Crazy Quilt with Brick Border
Rocky Mountain Quilts / American Antique Crazy Quilts

Another site that I found and enjoy is American Antique Crazy Quilts.  This site provides information and photographs of antique quilts.   It is written by Betsey Telford-Goodwin, an antique quilts expert who started Rocky Mountain Quilts, a professional restoration facility for antique quilts.

I love reading the information and looking at the quilts.  If this site were published in book form, I'd purchase the book so that I could easily peruse it at my leisure.

The rest of the photos  all come from my Pinterest board, which I've been collecting for about a week now knowing that I wanted to make this bolster using the crazy quilt style.

Isn't it funny that I have no plans of completing a project with so many time-consuming details, yet these are the one's I'm drawn to?  

When we were younger and learning about the Victorian Era, my sisters accused me a few times of living in the wrong century.  I supposed they just knew me and it's probably true that I'd have been very happy as a Victorian.  

Another idea for a quick project using scraps....I really like this one!

And the last one is this update of my bolster cover.  I worked on the vine that I started last night, adding some crewel leaves and blue beaded flowers.  Not too bad for someone who hasn't embroidered in quite a long while, right?  

What do you think?  Should I take it out and start over or leave it in and hope that any errors blend in with the background?

Happy Quilting,

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