Saturday, November 2, 2013


We did it!  We got up early, early this morning and drove to Houston to attend the International Quilt Festival. Four hours of driving (not me, I napped) and we were standing in line for 9:30.  

I gave up at 3 this afternoon.  The only time I sat was while we ate lunch.  There were just too many quilts to see.  I took 350+ photos on my phone.  I'd have taken more, but I hit my limit and killed the battery at the same time.

Luckily some of the photos uploaded to my Google+ account.  So I can give you a sneak peek of what's to come.  

I may have killed a hip along with the phone battery. And Rich has a gimpy knee.  All in all, not a bad day. We generally find some body part argues and cries after a day of fun, so I was expecting our bones to scream and howl tonight. 

It occurs to me that I may not get to all the photos.  I'll promise to post lots, but you already know about my photographing abilities.  So there's always a chance that only 10 are decent.  And I'm posting 8 tonight!  Ah, well, that's how I roll!

See you tomorrow for Sunday Quilt Inspiration.  

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