Friday, July 24, 2015

Close to Home

What is the protocol
   one might ask.
What is the appropriate response
   everyone needs to know.
What does one say
  when no words can answer.

Impossible to reason

There are actions
occurrences that do not happen here
where life is laughter and clinking glasses.

Slow paced Alacrity
does not move with fervor
where bayous ramble deep and wide and slow.

A loner who is not alone
has powers unspeakable
when turned on others.

Apathy converts with vigor
furnishing Acrimony and Fear
like snakes threading their way into steely hearts.

Emotions overwhelm
dripping Confusion
like Spanish moss-covered oaks
blackened with aged lichen.

A new pestilence on the city
one loner is a loner still
among people who wade through waters
deep in culture and belief and hope.

No loner has power
over the lives of a people   
whose stories are swamped in Heritage
of exile and transcendence.

Like Evangeline waiting in the forest primeval
Austerity sits for time  
though abnegation occurs not.

              In response to the Lafayette shooting on July 23, 2015


Erika said...

That was very well written and quite moving.

Erika said...

That was very well written and quite moving.

Mary Marcotte said...

Thanks, Erika. So happy you came for a visit!