Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pin It Weekly #74

Tin Cans Crafts Ideas. I believe it is on a lazy susan.I found a few new and interesting organizational ideas and thought you might enjoy them also.
Create a "Holding Frame" by layering and folding burlap to hold papers!  What a brilliant idea!

This pin is just because I love old furniture, but check out this unusual piece.  Ahh, I would be thrilled to have it in my studio.
for sewing room

Everything else is just sort of random.  I've been pinning just whatever I run across or happens to suit my fancy for the moment.  No rhyme or reason's summer and my brain is on vaca!
free patternThat's My Letter: "A" is for Aprons    I need to make me one of these for when I am working on projects.

25 Gifts to Make for Men - Crazy Little Projects

essential sewing tools. just need some pinking sheers and a rotary cutter and im in good shape.
Basic Quilting Tools and Supplies..   one day, one day!

18 Awesome Homemade Toys for Toddlers - plastic bottle bowling set. - We drink so much water that I find these stupid plastic bottles every where. Good recycling idea. @Stephanie Close Close VanGilder, could be a fun classroom project.

When I saw this idea, my mind could not stop.  I kept thinking of things to turn cardboard boxes into.  Isn't this just adorable?
Roundup: 12 Cool DIY Cardboard Playhouses and Toys for Kids » Curbly | DIY Design Community

I have a friend who, as a child, asked for an American Girls doll for Christmas but received a cardboard box instead.  Now I understand her mother's wisdom: cardboard boxes are awesome, as evidenced by this list of toys you can make from cardboard.

Hanging Toy Storage. Smart! This will fit so much better than anything else in my baby's room

And finally some gorgeous buttons because they seem to be quite popular among my dear followers.  Thanks for letting me know about your appreciation for the rare, the vintage, and the unusual.
Antique Victorian Brass Metal Pierced Openwork Button  w Cut Steels - Medium Sz

Antique Pierced Brass Button Fancy Filigree Floral Design 1 & 1/4"

Wow! Great button!  Vintage French mother-of-pearl and paste button.  ca. 1780

1860s French enamel button.

Antique floral, open pierced Champleve enamel, button - Handcrafted Art Stone Button Dove w Sprig of Flowers

French micro mosaic button.

Antique Button Emaux Peints Enamel Flowers w/Paste Border


Carved & engraved mother-of-pearl button with cut steel & glass. - Large Realistic Snake Button - Old Magnificent Medium Realistic Arita Porcelain Striped Blue Fish Button

1900s British painted under glass button.

Realistic novelty Paris clock button.

Czech Glass Button


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